Monday, December 12, 2005


This post is inspired by Shivraman's blog ...
Here I have made a list of things that would have made college and Engineering better( Productive, interesting ,Fun,some stuff to look forward to everyday).I had a good time no doubt in college.But I want lots of changes.Here are my suggestions.
  1. Classes. Some 85 % of time in spent in the classes or in the labs (atleast in my college). They will have to be interesting. Come on. You cant get bored 85% of the time.One is choice of subjects. We ought to be given more liberty to choose from a list.. ( atleast the so called "electives" if not anything else).
  2. Classes again. Classes should not be lectures followed by lectures .There should be more interaction.Shounting . Fighting etc like how it was in school.
  3. Strictly use of more than any one colour pen should be banned.
  4. Assignments should be neatly written (pref probs ) in A4 sizes sheets. Strictly no Donald duck pictures.
  5. Games. Play ground. I don think it needs any more elaboration.
  6. Activities. You have some 2000 ppl .

Will keep appending the list ... Got bored

Pl comment

Will tell u a funny thing... The spell check catches the word "blog"


Sriram said...

hey i agree totally..esp about not allowin more than 1 colour pen...

Radha said...

point one. did not get u. wat do u mean my ( or our coll.). its true for any engg coll in TN rite. its quite gen & infact true nt jus for colls but also schools r anythin. classes have to be interestin. obviously.

Radha said...

and i do not like ur blog name. its weird. my view.

Harini said...

@ Anu
1.Untitled is soo Microsoftish
2.Every third person pastes catoons.. & neatly is mutually exclusive. Why should assignments and neatly be ???
4.ThaNK u

Vetty Max said...

Donald duck pictures in assignments? Interesting....never seen one.

Agree completely about the single colour pen thing. Infact we had a prof who taught us a couple of courses, who strictly followed this rule even while teaching and used only white colour chalk to teach...funda being that the student will also have only one colour pen.