Monday, September 18, 2006

Arbit Stuff

In a serious attempt to shrug off a chunk of laziness which had amassed me for the past some time(say a few months ;-) I am planning to write some regular posts. It may be a little redundant also.Here are a medley of things I want to tell about.

1.Apart from people at home what I miss most abt home when I am not at home ( ie Occationally when I am in hostel ) are the Pickles or the (oorgas) . It took me less than a month to realize that nothing actually comes close to home food . ( Something which I failed to acknowledge for the past 21 years !!!! ).Somehow I dont think anyone will ever get fed up of the home made tayir sadam.The primary savor of tayir sadam is the contrast between its blandness and that of the side dish.I always prefer a pickle or vatha kozhambu to anything else.So I miss all the tokku and togayal and the mavadu and the mavadu jalam.Of course I do have all these during the weekends.

2.Then comes my new theory on procrastination.If you always postpone things and previous trends seriously suggest that you have never managed to not procrastinate then its better not to attempt to start the work early.Anyways by parkinson's law work will expand and you may never do it on time cos you have a serious tendency to postpone half done work( like me !!!).After all why have the guilt feeling of starting early and finish late ??
I was wondering about my tendency to postpone things to the last second sometime.Like getting up early in the morning just to waste away the evening ( in the pretense of having high concentration early morning ).And then keeping stuff to read in the bus despite having time at home..And so on...

Thats it i guess :-D


Aravindan said...

all this procrastination theory of urs is a self fulfilling prophecy..why do u put theories to substantiate ur way of doing things?

btw, i m not going to improve either..havent started to prepare my ppt for presentation this week:D

Vetty Max said...

Thayir saadham is the closest one can get to amrutham, the food of the Gods. The enlightenment comes only when you leave home. :-)

Taruna said...

:-) Thayir Sadham and pickles - with you a little... for some reason, until I actually came abroad I wasnt too fnd of pickles... but mavadu is a whole different kind and has always been a favourite..

Theory on procrastination... sometimes, I have seen that since I work well under pressure and in the eleventh-hour better than at other times, my best work comes out after a lot of procrastination.. maybe, neeyum en jathi-ya iruppennu nenaikiren!!

Theories to substantiate your own way... dont you do it too??

Sathish said...
